Discovering certified information in the enterprise for insight and decision making is a challenging task for any large company. Business leaders and employees all have a need for timely, accurate and relevant information to drive competitive advantage. My experience is that even though a rich set of reports and analytics may exist within a company, many information workers may not know where to access this information or what information is available. This can often result in the growth of redundant IT-owned applications and shadow applications in the business.
Recently I have begun researching how to to improve information delivery to a worldwide sales and marketing organization across Microsoft with the goal of driving use of certified information from Microsoft's Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). The large user base includes business leaders in a corporate role who need a global view of business metrics and employees who may need a subsidiary or business segment view. One area of research includes the use of Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search and a Microsoft report catalog to provide relevant search results based on user attributes and report meta data. The vision is to enable any employee to quickly access highly relevant certified information (e.g. pipeline, partner profile) from Microsoft's main internal SharePoint site.
I look forward to collaborating with others who have successfully used search for business intelligence and I will plan to share the progress and outcomes of my research.
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